
About Me

My Story

My story: With a background in journalism. I’ve really tried a little bit of everything in search of finding a job that fits. I’ve worked in kitchens and offices, but nothing really ever felt right. That has come with its challenges, but also its advantages. I’ve developed the ability to pick up skills quicker than most, as well as a collection of eclectic skills and abilities; that might seem disparate, but have ultimately made me a more well rounded person. My UX journey hasn’t been especially long, but I’ve come to it with passion and zeal; trying to absorb as many skills and as much knowledge as I can. With each project I complete I can see how my skills are improving, and will only continue to improve as I gain more and more experience.

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Relevant Skills

  • Crafting relevant and focused problem statements and hypotheses.
  • User research (Moderated, un-moderated, in-person, remote)
  • Competitive analysis
  • Card Sorting
  • Persona Creation
  • User journeys
  • Wire frames
  • Prototype creation/design
  • Basic HTML, CSS, and javascript knowledge

Tools I Use

  • Figma
  • Behance
  • Google Workspace
  • Visual Studio

Get In Touch

If you like my work, I encourage you to reach out to me to discuss future opportunities!
Call: +61 410038082
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